This post is to meant to quantify my trip, put some numbers around my travels. These numbers include everything from the train/bus ride from my home to the airport to the Uber back to my mom's house. I recorded all of this because wanted to demonstrate to my friends and family that as long as you are flexible, almost anyone is capable of having amazing experiences abroad.
$6,639.47 Total cost of trip
$78.11 Cost per Day
12,874 Steps a day (average and total)
85 Days Abroad
(Walking is good for you...)
12 Countries
35 Cities
16 Hostels
4 Hotels
8 Air BnBs/Homestays
4 # of times I booked my Hostel/Hotel before arriving in the city
(Our accommodations in Mykonos)
3,870 Photos (DSLR Camera)
1,356 Photos (iPhone)
245 Videos
+1500 Minutes Facetiming
(Can't go anywhere without my camera)
14 Flights
11 Sleeper busses
11 Boat Rides
2 Uber Moto
21 Ubers/Grabs
0 Uber Helicopters
0 Uber Boat
(A 2 Mile Uber Moto ride cost $0.63, and was a great way to see the city how locals see it)
51 Blog Posts
50+ Ice Creams/Gelatos (picture)
194 Pictures of food… (Album Coming Soon)
Countless Memories with Family & Friends (New and Old)